Forgotten Art: Giuliana – Dusk 1

In response to: Dusk Mann’s Profile and Open Letter


Hi, Dusk! First I read your letter. Then I read your profile. Then I said, I want to be your pen pal.

So, good news! You don’t have to be lonely anymore!

My mom says, if you have a friend, you don’t have to be lonely.

We live in the City. The buildings are super tall. People live in all of them. So you might guess that the City is always really crowded. But it’s not. I know where to go when I want to have adventures, like the kind you can only have when you’re alone.

Dad used to live in a valley with mountains all around, and he says he sometimes pretends that the buildings are mountains.


Not me, though. To me, they’re buildings. I think maybe if I were in the mountains, I would pretend the mountains were buildings, big tall apartment buildings with trolls living in them!

Maybe mountains really are apartment buildings for trolls. Do you think so?


I wish you had gone to my school. Here’s why. I’m the coordinator for a club called “Stop Bullying, Stupid!”

Well, right now I’m the only member, but I’m working on recruiting.

See, I want to get Max to join, because face it. He’s the biggest bully, sometimes. And I figure that if the bully were the captain of Stop Bullying, Stupid, then he wouldn’t bully anymore. See?

Pretty good idea, huh?

It’s elementary!


Kids at school are mean to me, sometimes, but I sort of don’t care.

I mean, like my mom says, “If you’ve got one friend, you don’t have to be lonely.”

And I’ve got friends everywhere!


Because I need kids in Stop Bullying, Stupid, I decided I would try to make kid friends. So far, it’s not going too well, but it’s not going too bad, either.

See, Lucas likes me.


He tells me our club should be called “Rain Boots are Better,” or maybe “Better Boots.”

Because we both wear boots.

I said, “How about if we call it, ‘Boot the Bullies, Stupid!’?”


He said that was a good name and we could call it that if he would let him kiss me.

What? Yuck!

I am not up for kissing. Stop Kissing, Stupid! That’s my next club.


Ugh! All this letter and I haven’t even told you what I want to be! I want to be a pirate.

Don’t laugh! My brother told me he read about real life pirates even now, and they’re not just on the Internet. They’re in hidden waters off the coast of Madagascar.


How about you? What do you want to be?

I hope you want to be my pen pal.


Happy, happy, cheerful smiles… or as they say on hidden seas, “Argh!”

–Tazer 1541Z
President Select
“Stop Bullying, Stupid,” AKA “Boot the Bully, Boot-head”

Giuliana’s Next Letter >>