An Invitation to Save a Poet

A poet whose blog I enjoy is currently facing challenges to meet basic survival needs (food and shelter), and I invite you to join me in helping.

It’s easy, safe, and secure to provide meaningful and significant help. For a gift the equivalent of what you might spend on a book or two of poetry, or a few weeks’ worth of Starbucks, you can make a life-saving difference to one poet.

Thanks to the ABLE Act (the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014), individual contributors can now help those who receive or are applying for federal assistance without jeopardizing their eligibility.

Those needing assistance can set up accounts through participating state programs so that contributors can make donations through safe and secure websites. For those who, like this poet, are in the process of applying for state and federal assistance and are currently mired in the waiting stage of paperwork and administrative bureaucracy, this program provides a needed lifeline.

This poet’s account is handled through ugift, associated with ABLE Nevada. To make a contribution, visit, and enter her code: 72D-31S.

She will be able to withdraw the funds within a few days, and it will make the difference between having a meal or skipping one, having a place to stay or remaining homeless.

It isn’t always that we’re able to act on our impulse to do good and make a difference: sometimes we wonder if our gifts will be spent well or go towards administration costs. So when we come across a chance to actually make a tangible difference, to show our support for poets, poetry, and the human spirit, and to help contribute to a beautiful soul’s survival on this planet, we can act with joy.

I know that not all who read this are in a position to help–some of you, too, are facing survival challenges of your own. My wishes of blessing and assistance to you!

Others of us have a bit extra currently, and it’s to you I’m extending this invitation to join me in making a contribution that will help keep one poet alive on our planet a bit longer. It will make a difference.

My favorite poem of Ana’s: Fulfilled and Happy Be

To make a contribution:
Account Code: 72D-31S

To learn more about the ABLE Act:

(Thank you to President Obama for signing this Act into law. We are grateful for your legacy, now more than ever.)