Summer Camp: CampCam 0.1

Cathy Tea: Hey, Free! The camera’s rolling–you want to be the one to give the tour?

Free-Jon: Yes, ma’am!


Free-Jon: Hey, hi, ever’body. Welcome to Sweet-land for the sweeties.

Help! Sweet-land just went upside down! Hold on to your cupcakes!


Free-Jon: Oh, wait. Whew! It’s ok. It was just me upside down!

So. What do you suppose is over here?


Free-Jon: Walk this way. La, la, la!


Free-Jon: It’s the piano room! Do you know how to play the piano? Nah, I don’t either. But we can learn, right? That’s what camp is all about. Do it! Learn it! You’re camping now, llamacorns!


Free-Jon: So, the music room is in the bottom of the tower, and I’m not gonna even show you what’s up in the top of the tower, because up there… that’s the private-eye, top-secret, stay-out-or-else, cross-your-heart special writing tower tip-top crown for the one and only Mr. Cupcake!

Hurry! We gotta get out! The music room is about to explode! Don’t ask why! Just run!

Did you run? It’s ok. I was just playing around.

For reals, we’ve got lots to play with here.


Free-Jon: I just got just a little lonely just for a second there.

It’s ok because we got all these big stuffed friends all over, so if you miss your mom and dad just for a second, like I just did, it’s not to worry. ‘Cause you just give one of these guys a hug, and you’ll feel better. Or if you don’t, do what I do.


Free-Jon: Come on! I’ll show you! This way!


Free-Jon: Just right over here…

Excuse me one moment… you wouldn’t happen to have seen a big red Welsh lamb with a super short hair cut, would you, sir?


Joel: Why, no, young man. I haven’t seen any bald red Welsh lambs running around. Why do you ask?

Free-Jon: Because you’re wearing all his fur! Hahahaha!


Free-Jon: See what I mean? One joke with Mr. Cupcake, and you’ll forget all about that kinda feeling that makes you sigh and go, “Ah” when you think of your mom and dad.

So, Mr. Cupcake, what made you want to be a camp counselor this summer? Did you feel like playing and dancing and not having anybody boss you around, like me?


Joel: Well, Free-Jon, it’s always nice not to get bossed around, but to tell you the truth, as soon as I heard that you were going to be here, I knew that it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up! Plus, if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll be able to help the kids learn a thing or two about life! And also, as you know, I can bake a batch of cupcakes that rocks this world!


Free-Jon: I’m glad you’re here. I’m always happy when you’re around, so if I’m happy when you’re here, then I know the other kids will be, too, right?

Joel: I hope so, Free!


Free-Jon: Hey, Joel, I’ll catch you later. I gotta show the campers the best thing about camp. It’s not actually at camp, but it’s right near. Like so close that you don’t got to cross a street to get there, and so close you don’t even got to ask permission to go, you just go!

This is where I’m gonna be living while I’m at camp.

Because, you know. The open sea! The sound of the sea gulls! The distant honking of the fog horn!


Free-Jon: I mean, how often does a little kid get to rule the seven seas?


Free-Jon: Give me liberty or give me death!


Free-Jon: Not that I’d know anything about being a rebel.


Free-Jon: But I think I make a pretty good pirate!


Free-Jon: Only thing is, where are all the kids? It’s kinda hard to man this boat all by myself.


Free-Jon: My crew! O where, o where is my crew! Not a mast in sight as far as the eye can see.


Free-Jon: But guess what? Camp starts tomorrow! So, next time the old CampCam is rolling, there’s gonna be kids everywhere!


Free-Jon: Which is really cool, right? Why’s that, you say? Simple! ‘Cause it’s summer and kids rule!