
HoneyThis story is based on a game that’s testing Muse’s Ultimate University Challenge. I’m taking a few liberties with the rules: the other college students I’ve moved in, with the exception of Brandon, are all Wonder Children downloaded from the gallery and aged down to teen. They’ve kept their skill levels. I also loaded the dorm with skilling objects before moving in the residents.

As you read this, please keep in mind that this challenge is essentially an ISBI (with specific goals for the played character): the only character that I play is Honey Walker.

These are Honey’s journal entries. They are numbered with the week and the day of the week. I will probably not be writing an entry for each day, so if there are gaps in the numbers below, that’s why.

I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that you feel inspired to help test the challenge! (Be sure to share your feedback at the thread for this on the Forums, if you do!)

Journal Entry 1.1 

Journal Entry 1.3

Journal Entry 1.6

Journal Entry 1.7

Journal Entry 2.1

Journal Entry 2.3

Journal Entry 2.4

Journal Entry 2.6

Journal Entry 2.7

 Journal Entry 3.1

Journal Entry 3.5 

Journal Entry 3.6

Journal Entry 3.7

Journal Entry 4.3

Journal Entry 4.6

Journal Entry 5.2

Journal Entry 5.4

Journal Entry 5.7

Journal Entry 6.2

Journal Entry 6.5

Journal Entry 6.7

Journal Entry 7.4

Journal Entry 7.6

Journal Entry 8.1

Journal Entry 8.7